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The Department of Agra Culture's 2nd Pop-Up Caravan

I was very excited to photograph this event for a local company, The Department of Agra Culture  at the beginning of this month. Every so often, the DOA puts on a pop-up caravan, selling handmade items from around the world. Purses, hats, rugs, bags, scarves, blankets, etc- all very beautiful, very reasonably priced, and bought directly from the men and women who make them. I love what the Dept of Agra Culture is doing. They've brought these items to the Huntsville AL area, where similar products are hard to come by. They tell the story behind those goods and are interested in raising awareness of what goes into making each item. They've also hosted a workshop with Encourage Huntsville, to teach weaving techniques to locals (which I missed and hate that I missed!!). I'm so excited to see where this company is headed. The DOA has an interesting vision, and I appreciate their desire to improve the creative community in Huntsville.

If you missed the caravan, and would still love to get your hands on a beautiful, handmade product, check out the D of A's online store here.  Or just check out all the visual goodness on that site. Really, click the link. See what they're about!